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  • Full name : clerkpunch3
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  • User Description :If you consider reducing your impact on the environment and would like to start using reusable makeup remover pads then you probably wonder just how to wash and care for them properly and what you can do to make them last longer.So how do I clean and look after my reusable makeup remover pads? Place your pads at a mesh laundry bag and bathe them in the washing machine with your light colored clothing on a hot wash using a gentle detergent and then leave the pads to dry naturally. Why can not I use fabric softener, stain remover or bleach when I wash my reusable pads? As soon as fabric softener is released in the washing machine it may build up on the pads and can weaken the fabric and dramatically decrease its absorbency. Lay your pads with no fabric softener will keep the rounds in their maximum absorbency and the bamboo fabric (rayon from bamboo) will get softer and more absorbent with every wash.Many fabric softeners are based on oil and are full of animal fat that you don't want to put on your face. If you prefer using fabric softener to your clothes then you are much better off creating your own by simply mixing white vinegar with essential oil of your preference. This mix will soften your laundry and also give it a nice odor without any hint of vinegar.Do not use bleach or stain remover since they're extremely harsh chemicals that could damage the bamboo fabric and totally mess up your reusable rounds. What do I do to create the pads last longer? By doing so you're able to eliminate the majority of your makeup from the pads instantly and can reduce the total amount of wear in the fabric by not using the washing machine. Most of the time that I don't even use the washing machine to wash my pads, simply giving them a quick rinse in warm soapy water works just fine.To maintain your pads in good shape for a longer period of time prevent drying them in the tumble drier, particularly at elevated temperatures, as this may cause an inordinate amount of wear and shrinkage from the fabric. Bamboo fabric (rayon from bamboo) should be air dried ideally on the clothesline if one is available. If you air dry your pads naturally they'll keep their shape better, but should you decide to use the drier they will nonetheless be effective and usable. Do not boil the pads made from bamboo (rayon from bamboo) in water since it will cause the fabric to break down and it is going to severely shorten its lifespan.

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